Scale Battery Energy Storage System


Dispatching large amounts of renewable power

Our utility scale batteries are used to store green power from the grid when demand is low and dispatch it when demand is high, this reduces the need for expensive fossil fuel options to provide extra power whilst helping to keep the power prices down for local benefits.

Strengthening the electricity grid

The fast ramping capability of the Tesla Megapack used at our Canberra ACT facility means that we can dispatch large amounts of power quickly and reliably. This means it can support the Canberra electricity grid and make major cost savings by providing frequency control and short-term network security services.

Frequency control ancillary services (FCAS)

FCAS is a system in the National Electricity Market that helps maintain the correct power and frequency. If the frequency goes outside the Normal Operating Frequency Band (49.85Hz to 50.15Hz), the power system will face significant issues, potentially leading to complete blackouts.

Our batteries help support the National Electricity Market (NEM) in providing support to the surrounding community.

Keeping the lights on

Our Canberra Battery helps to prevent blackouts in Canberra by reacting quickly and accurately to disturbances and fluctuations in the frequency of the grid, that would previously have caused brownouts/blackouts.

For example on extreme weather days or fluctuations in power like during the 2019 bushfires, this battery could quickly dispatch green energy and help support times of peak demand and prevent blackouts.

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